Laser treatment of ingrown toenails

Preparation for a laser treatment
Laser treatment: development
Our laser treatment for ingrown toenail was first introduced in our surgical practice 23 years ago, at that time still in our outpatient surgery center in Bad Vilbel, carried out and continued in the following years improved. Bis today we have about 13.000 successful treatments carried out on patients from all over Germany. We have specialized entirely in this form of treatment for 6 years and carry out laser treatment on ingrown toenails every day.
The Laser method: description
First, the affected toe is numbed locally and gently. After a scalpel-free part of the nail is removed from the side, the outer part of the nail root is removed with laser pulses of approx. 0.1 mm using a pulsed CO2 laser. The precise, pinpoint operation takes place under the skin, is therefore incision-free (and scalpel-free) and does not require any major tissue removal as in the Emmert incision operation. The healing process can be significantly shortened due to the freedom from incisions and the minimally invasive procedure. The patients also describe significantly fewer postoperative complaints.

right before the laser treatment
immediately after the laser treatment
The Laser method: chances of success
Destination der Laser treatment on the ingrown nail is to achieve permanent freedom from symptoms. If the nail has been permanently narrowed by the laser, it is extremely rare for the nail root parts to grow back again. In the past decades we have been able to achieve a high level of sustainability observed in our patients after laser treatment. In about 95% of all treatments, a permanent freedom from symptoms was achieved. In about 5% of the cases developed, for example by pre-existing Diseases or improper follow-up treatment, wound healing disorders with longer healing processes. In comparison: The recurrence rate with the common Emmert plastic (cut operation) is about 30-40%, here you can see nail spurs more often.
The Laser method: costs
The cost of a laser treatment depends on the number of sides of the toe to be treated and the findings. We would be happy to create one for you individual cost estimate after receiving a picture of the affected toes. The treatment is usually not covered by statutory health insurance and is therefore a self-payer service. Almost all private health insurance companies cover the costs of the treatment. However, we generally recommend that you contact your health insurance company in advance after receiving the cost estimate.

Comparison of surgical methods for ingrown toenails
The conventional surgical method for ingrown toenails is cutting surgery with a scalpel (Emmert Plastik). It was first performed in 1850. Our laser treatment provides the gentle, minimally invasive Alternative to the Emmert plastic. With our painless laser treatment no cut the skin. We can desolate the nail root cells under the skin in a targeted manner without threads and scarring.

immediately after the laser treatment

right after the cutting operation
(Emmert plastic)
Conventional cutting surgery
pain for a long time after surgery
Healing success at approx. 60-70%
residual scar
closed with sutures / threads
Foot must be elevated
regular dressing changes
longer healing time due to skin incision
longer incapacity for work
Nail noticeably narrowed
Our laser treatment
no / hardly any pain after intervention
healing success at ca. 95%
no scar
no threads
Foot can be loaded immediately
plaster sufficient
short healing process
quick working ability
nice cosmetic result
Laser treatment of ingrown toenails: before and after pictures
AFTER (final result)

example 1

AFTER (final result)
example 2
Laser treatment: make an appointment
To make an appointment for a laser treatment in our practice, please fill out belowcontact formand send us ein Current Photo of your toe. We consult with our doctors whether we generally perform laser treatment on you can and then create all laser documents including cost estimate.