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Frequently asked questions about our laser treatment for ingrown toenails

Fragen Laserbehandlung Laserdoc

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about laser treatment

Frequently asked questions after treatment

Allgemeine Frage 1

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I make an appointment for a treatment?

For a non-binding appointment request and for information material including a cost estimate, please fill out das contact form out. We'll contact you as soon as possible. You will receive an automatic confirmation when your request has been successfully sent to us digitally.

2. Is only one appointment in the practice necessary?

Yes. If you wish we can do the final consultation and laser treatment on one appointment.  You will receive all documents by email in advance. Questions about the documents or the upcoming treatment can also be discussed by telephone. Medical advice is always provided on site after the findings have been viewed.

3. Is the laser procedure also available in other cities? 

no You can find our special laser procedure (method according to Dr. Ruegenberg) without incision and scalpel, which we developed 23 years ago and have continued to refine further and far  only at our location. dr medical To date, Ruegenberg has personally treated around 13,000 patients. We are working on a site expansion with certification of doctors.

4. Do you work with other practices that perform a similar laser treatment?

no The reason is that we cannot guarantee that there will be treatment variants of the laser method elsewhere that do not correspond to our 23 years of application experience. 

5. Is laser treatment covered by health insurance?

The laser treatment is not covered by statutory health insurance because it is a private service. The health insurance companies only reimburse the Emmert Plastik. However, you can submit an application for an individual cost estimation, especially after previous operations have been carried out, since the costs proportionally could be refunded. Private health insurance usually covers the procedure. However, we recommend that you clarify the assumption of costs with your health insurance company in advance.

6. Are companions allowed to come to the practice?

No, accompanying persons currently have to wait outside the practice premises due to Corona requirements. Minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian or legal representative. We will inform you as soon as there are any changes in this regard.

7. When should a treatment be carried out?

If all simple measures (e.g. curd soap foot baths, pressure relief) do not bring healing success, an inflammation has developed and so-called Caro luxurians; has developed as a reaction to the constant tissue pressure, treatment must be carried out.

8. Can also be used with an existing inflammation be lasered? 

Yes, but this depends on the stage of inflammation and the findings and will be decided individually by our doctors on site after the findings have been viewed. Please use our contact form to send us a photo for an initial assessment.

9. Is it possible to have multiple pages in one meeting treat?

Yes we can nail up to 4 pages pro handle session, e.g. if there are complaints or recurring inflammations on both big toes. 

10. How long does a laser treatment take?

The average stay in our practice for a consultation and laser treatment is approx. 60 - 90 minutes, depending on the number of sides to be treated. 

11. When can you walk again?

Immediately after the treatment. A compression bandage is placed on the toe after the laser treatment. Running in sandals or wide shoes is therefore possible immediately after the laser treatment, but the daily running program should be reduced on this day. Canes or walking aids are not required. 

12. Is general anesthesia possible?

no We carry out the laser treatment exclusively in gentler local Stunning with a special technique. We specialize in anxiety patients and children / adolescents. 



13. When can I drive a car again?

The next day. Although only the big toe is numbed and the patient can walk, there is a bandage on. According to the current legal opinion, there is therefore no fitness to drive, the patient could possibly be distracted or not use the foot correctly. We therefore advise against driving directly after the treatment. Most patients have someone with them to drive them back. 

14. Is a sick note necessary?

We would be happy to issue you with a private medical certificate. The duration of the sick note depends on the findings and your professional activity. In the home office, for example, you can she  back to work the next day. We recommend you at yours GP to ask in advance whether our private sick note can be converted if your employer only has the sick note from Family doctor accepted. 

15. Do I have to see my family doctor for follow-up treatment?

No, you carry out the follow-up treatment at home. You will receive information documents for the correct post-treatment.

If you have any questions, we are at your disposal Them  available via email / phone.

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Frequently asked questions about laser treatment

Frequently asked questions after treatment


Dr. med. Thomas Ruegenberg

Fahrgasse 89

60311 Frankfurt am Main


Telephone: 069-21930704

Mobile: 0172-8882724 


Telephone availability:

Monday:          09:00 - 12:00 pm

Tuesday:          09:00 - 06:00 pm

Wednesday:    09:00 - 06:00 pm

Thursday:        09:00 - 06:00 pm

Friday:             09:00 - 12:00 pm

Appointments after reservation only.

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